Re-discovering Self. Motivation thru Life, Music and Art

Hey, check out these past posts here!

Week numero Uno!

Hello Everyone!

I want to thank everyone who stopped thru and checked out my page. I am still workingto get the look of it the way I like. I removed the last theme as it was becoming a headache to get it how I wanted. So since I have a lot going on in my little life right now, simplicity is a must. Henceforth the new look (for now at least, lol). Changed a few page titles, rearranged some things and added some new content. But there is still more to do and learn on my blogging journey.

So while your here, browsing please go check out the NEW Health and Beauty page for a startling discovery… & the New Lyrics to Grow page for a nostalgic take on quotes of wisdom. Then make sure to stop by regularly and visit The CAFE , She’s the DJ/I’m the Rapper and WildStyle Artwork; for great articles and more on everything from ESPRESSO BEANS, COOL THINGS… ART and Hip Hop.

Thanks again, for visiting my page. And bare with me through the transition.

Love ya!


2011 The New Year… Is Here.

It’s one of the few days I truly celebrate. Despite all the holidays, days of recognition and other. This is the day that I feel really matters above all. New Years Day! (Because I’m thankful to live to see another one).

In the days approaching I normally  begin to get very reflective and introspective. I think of the months past while making small assessments of the things I’ve accomplished and things I would like to change about my life. I think about personal growth, spirituality, success other. And we’ll just say that it’s a very deep time for me. The week before, I write out my goals for the new year and glance over my last years goals to see what I have accomplished. This year I’m glad to say, I accomplished a lot. Thankfully.

My 2010 list of goals were fun and creative. It included taking a bunch of fun classes; de-cluttering my home and life; adopting a better health and beauty regimen and not allowing telephone dependent friends to zap my time and energy. Looking back I did everything on my list with the exception of two things. I’m still not bilingual Spanish/English (hablo espanol, pero no muy perfecta) and I never did make it to Pole Dancing Class, lol. But overall I’m happy with my accomplishments. Even this blog is a product of my last years goal list! So, this year my goals are kind of an expansion of last years goals. Just taking things to the next level.

This year, I’m becoming very focused on HEALTH. Healthy Spirit, Healthy Mind and Healthy Body. That’s what time it is. I’ve never even looked at the word “Healthy” quite in that manner that I do now.. HEALTHY = HEAL THY. Heal thy Spirit, Heal thy Mind and Heal thy Body… cool right! It makes a lot of sense to me. So that’s where I’m at mentally. And, In the words of one of my dearest real life and FB friend Tamisha… I’m getting it right, and keeping it tight for the 2011.

Next thing is simply expanding on things that I’ve already begun. From hobbies to business ventures. Investing in self is a priority. It’s sounds simple enough, but I know plenty of people with great hobbies and talents that never invest the money or business ethics behind their crafts to make them profitable. Myself having been one of them. And a goal without a plan is just a dream. So it’s time to turn dreams into reality. I’ve accomplished a few, like moving here to NY and returning to college for film. But now it’s time to pull out one or two more of those incomplete ideas of mine and get to work. The Djing and album is a given as I’ve been progressively working on them throughout the past few months. Happily things are coming along well. But I have another abandoned project that keeps nagging at my brain, year end and year out. So that’s on my list to complete this year if only to get the monkey off my back.

Next… Travel, travel, travel. Ok so I may not be able to see the entire world, but I promised myself  that I will see some of it this year. You know, get my feet on some foreign soil. And Canada, doesn’t count! I’ve been brushing upon my spanish and I want to go to take a class in Spain. It’s a great opportunity offered by my school, so why not? There’s a lot of ways to get to see other places than cruise lines and vacation packages. Also, I have a friend in Austria that’s currently looking into Djing gigs for me there. She said they have a huge hip hop scene there. And, to visit another country while getting paid is always cool. So, I’ll keep you posted with how that goes.

And lastly, but surely not least, I’ve reached out to a few friends in real life and on FB, to create a small network of women who like myself have goals for self improvement. Primarily goals of health and beauty, and idea started by Tamisha and I,  for the part of encouragement and accountability. I figured it would be cool to reach out to FB friends too, because regardless of if your trying to loose weight, or simply adopt a healthier lifestyle, we could all use a little support when trying to obtain our goals. And it feels good to know that your not going through your changes alone. So I would like to send a shout out to the homegirls Tamisha, Omanda, Vicky and Aisha the “Still #1 crew” lol. I wish you all much success in accomplishing all your goals in 2011.  Now let’s get it poppin’ ladies!

So overall, this year and the years to come will all be about living my life to the fullest. Hey, we only get one shot at it. And at the end of the day I’d rather be reflecting on all the things I did while I had the chance, then what I should’ve done. It’s really that simple. I stumbled onto this article about the top 11 New Years Resolutions, check it out below… And what ever you choose to do this year… just do something!,,20452233,00.html  (copy and paste in browser)
HAPPY NEW YEAR! And many.. many… more…. Talk to you in a bit, I have some sugarless cream of wheat to make (yuck! No one said this was gonna be easy, lol)


Love ya!


Breath easy…


The semester is OVER! WHEW! I’m beyond happy (for that at least). I feel so drained. I’ve been on the sofa for the past two days, recovering. No not sick, just felt like a battery that was drained and needed a severe recharge. So the sofa has been kinda like one of those recharging pads that you sit your cellphone on it to charge. Now that my light is out of the blinking red zone, slowly turning green again, I’m slowly coming around. I had to reevaluate the situation to see what went wrong. I mean, this was supposed to be my easy breezy semester, two days a week. So for me to be so drained, I definitely took a wrong turn, somewhere.

So while plastered to the sofa, I’ve had time to do some thinking (in between my snoring and rolling over). I’ve discovered that I’ve been spending an incredible amount of time on the train, running borough to borough. Some days 5 hours! At that rate I need to be getting paid part time by the MTA, than my paying them. This is a result of my not switching the kids school closer to home. You know not wanting to upset things by jumping them from school to school. But it is a headache, quickly becoming a nightmare with days beginning at 4:30 am and not ending until 10 or 11pm. Way too much. So, I’ve made provisions to have them schooled locally. This should save us a lot of time, and return our little family to a state of… normalcy. I’m looking forward to being able to sleep in until 6:30am, that’s like sleeping til noon at our house, lol.  And, I look forward to my little crew, being able to have a regular school schedule, with some cool after-school activities. There is more to life than only doing homework. I think we’ll all be happier.

Now speaking of “Happiness“, I’ve been doing much fluctuating with my happiness factor. I don’t know what’s been wrong lately. I’m thinking its the holidays. Sigh. I hear that many people get the holiday blues this time of year. I’ve been one of them, i think. But then again, I really think I’ve just been drained, due to the above mentioned schedule. So I’m looking for a big spike in the happiness area of my life. I’m also making a valued effort to incorporate some new changes into my life to boost my overall joy factor. I’m curious to know, when you get down, blue, or just not feeling your best, what do you do to bring yourself out of that zone? What mantras, tricks, or rituals do you do, to snatch yourself from the clutches of depression, and back to your fun loving self? Please share. On behalf of myself and the rest of the us riddled with theEnd of the year blues, we would love to know.

Your friend,


SIDE NOTES: I have some cool things to share with you, that I learned this past semester. So over the next few weeks while I’m on winter break, I will post them. So make sure to check back often for updates. Also, it’s the end of the year (a very reflective time for people), so I will be doing a recap of my 2010 and goal setting for the new year. 2011 is going to be awesome!

Choose to have a great day!

OK. The road to self improvement is really not that bad, once you get the ball rolling. This morning I started off with a little meditation. The last time I meditated (kinda) was back in the summer time when I played a meditation game on my kids WII Sport. I scored high but not quite official meditation. Well for the past week I have, for whatever reason, been waking up super early like 2 or 3 AM. I don’t know what that’s all about. But, instead of forcing myself back to sleep this morning, I decided to stay awake and… meditate. I found a really nice piece of relaxing music on youtube that was the perfect jump start to my day. (Check the link below).

Over the past few days I have been making a conscious choice to be happier and simply have a better perspective about things. I began by smiling in the mirror, then holding the smile throughout the time while I was in the shower. I heard before that it’s impossible to frown and smile at the same time, and it truly is. And, it’s hard to be angry or upset while smiling, because smiling naturally promotes a better mood , almost instantly. So smiling is a great way to start your day.

I know that sitting still with your eyes closed, breathing, for 10 – 30 minutes; or even smiling alone in the shower may seem weird to some. But I say at least give it a try. It’s can’t be any weirder than walking around in a slump all day with a poor attitude and a frown upon your face. Yet I see that so much, on so many people, daily, as if that were the acceptable norm. To me now, that’s weird, that we’re o.k. with that.

Anyhow, all I want to say is, just try making the most of your day today. Regardless of what you see around you, try your best to smile. Maybe even take a minute or two to simply close your eyes and reconnect with yourself. You just might find that you’ll feel…. good.

To get your day started right,  try a little motivation by clicking the link below.

Morning MeditationLeave a comment and let me know if this worked for you :-)

Enjoy your day, Love ya!


Open your mind.. to self discovery

"Vroomin" in Manhattan with SHIMY!

Ok so I just had a great conversation with my homeboy Shimy who gave me great insight into the direction of my blog today. I decided to hit him up because I respect his perspective on life and he has a very trendy blog that I like visiting on a regular ( ). Basically, he said to simply add content and watch it grow into what it will become. Nice….

That’s great wisdom as things seemingly change and advance over time. So with that said I’ll do just that. We also talked about using our blogs as tools to share and possibly inspire. And that’s what I set out to do with this blog.

When I was avidly using Facebook, I received a lot of messages and post from people telling my how they were inspired by pictures. It seems to them that I was living a beautiful care free life, and was at such peace. Well some of that is true, but what I really want everyone to know is what happened that lead me to this journey in the first place. And how you can begin a journey of your own. It’s simple just pick something to do and begin. (We’ll talk more about that later.)

In the meantime… My overall purpose of this blog is to use my experiences as a muse of sorts. To show what we can do if we only get out and try. I’ve spent the last few years in this state of self exploration, discovering new things about myself. And through this process I discovered the artist that I am now able to say I am. Although I had always been artistic, I was never bold enough, (even though others may claimed me to be), to call myself “an artist”. However, through my willingness to step out into unexplored territory, I discovered just that.

My wish for anyone reading this blog, is to just take a little time, a small moment, a tiny slice out of life, and find out the amazing things hiding inside you. Step out and don’t be afraid. Go out of your comfort zone; push through the walls of complacency; and find your true you. Instead of wasting life away on trivial things (and people), spend some of that precious time and energy where it matters most, with yourself. You never know what you just may find, inside, if only you try.

Check out my friend Shimy’s blog at, for the latest in New York City urban trends, music, fashion and Brooklyn style of course. Vroom Vroom….

Love ya!


Welcome to


This DIY (do it yourself) thing is really something! It’s taken me a few weeks to get this going but now were cooking with gas. Yeah I had to settle on this theme for now, because it’s easier to begin. But I will not give up! I will have the blog of my dreams!! But for now… baby steps.

The whole purpose of this blog is to have my little slice of life, my piece of real estate, my little tiny weeny, new york city crammed pint sized apartment, in this big scary internet world. My little place to come share my thoughts with you. HELLO!… Helloooo…. helloooo.. Is anyone out there…. out there…. out there???

Anyhow, I have a lot of personal discoveries to share about everything from art and music, to health and well being. But mostly, about finding yourself (myself) again. This is my journey to self re-discovery. And, I hope that through my thoughts and experiences you too may be inspired to begin on your own quest. Life is so short. There’s so much to do in so little time. But the first step is to simply put one foot in front of the other and… BEGIN.

Happy Beginnings to you.

Love ya!


Welcome! 🙂

Welcome to my page! It is currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION.

Life is like.. Cupcakes in Brooklyn 🙂

Thank you for visiting. As you can see this is a new beginning. I have a lot of thoughts and information I would like to share with you about my journey to self Re-discovery. So please check back soon for updates about Art, Cool things, Fashion, Music, Healthy living, Daily Motivation and more. Feel free to leave a comment or simply say “hello”. I look forward to hearing from you. And again, thanks for stopping by. Have a Beautiful day…Love ya!


Adult Contemporary Hip Hop Culture.

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