Re-discovering Self. Motivation thru Life, Music and Art

Spring is here!

It’s Spring Aaaagain! (in my Biz Markie voice)

It’s the first 75 degree day of the year! I woke up with excitement and anticipation. Pulled out my thinner skinny jeans, strappy floral slides, tunic and vest, and light weight leather. I swept my hair back, pinned it up. Put on my make-up (morning rush style) and headed to the door. I bounced down the stairs of my hallway, pulled open the door to greet the sunshine and ….. IT’S RAINING?!!!! LOL! Oh well.

The drive into the city went smoothly, no tailgaters, jerks or other. I arrived at school only an hour late, which is great for a Monday. No complaints. I stayed hopeful, and happily so. Because when I exited my first class anticipating wet sidewalks… lo and behold we have SUNSHINE!!! “YES!!”

That means time for lunch outside, feeling the light breeze kiss my face and the warm rays sooth my skin. Sitting here, relaxing, eating my lunch, while ear-hustling a nearby conversation of some college teens. (These ladies are pretty humorous might I add).  It feels sooooo good to be outside after being cooped up in my apartment for the last few months. Spring break is on the horizon and I can finally feel my body begin to relax. Class was dismissed today, giving me this bit of unexpected  free time to chill. The day is going great! With one exception, I guess…

Ooops! I dropped my sandwich right in my lap! LOL!! Ah well, everything can’t be perfect I guess. But still a great day, and I’m looking forward to many more just like this one. Enjoy your day and make the best of it!

Tty l8tr,

Indeed ❤

Check out this hip hop classic by the Biz Markie “Spring Again” (click on the link below).

Biz Markie – Spring Again – Music Video: Old School – Underground Hip Hop dot com.

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